Online Meditations Lehrerausbildung
Level II - in Englisch
Live aus dem Himalaya in Indien mit Sampriya
durch video-conferencing
You are in truth the Pure Space, which is called Me, the Self. This knowledge will take you beyond the innumerable waves of thinking, and you will attain the knowledge of your true Self, the Pure Being - birthless, deathless.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 46
Embracing the Vision of Oneness…
Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training
Level I of our Online Meditation Teacher Training was to understand that “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but Spiritual Beings having a human experience.”
Our Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training is about integrating this knowledge more deeply in everyday life: how to live and act as the Spiritual Being that we are.
Throughout the year, the Bhagavad Gita, considered the essence of all great spiritual literature, will be our guide for learning to put the knowledge of the Self into action. Swami Shyam describes the Gita as "a gift for the one who would like to receive the technique of how to deal with situations and issues in the world that are urgent and important, and that must be dealt with by everyone..." With the protagonists of the Gita - Krishna and Arjun - as our inspiration, we will explore how to live, teach, speak, listen and conduct business as the Self.
Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training
Group classes
Starting in October 2024, we meet one Sunday per month, over a year, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm EST, in a small group of max. 10 participants for our Online Meditation Teacher Training.
Level II of Essence of the Himalayas’ Online Meditation Teacher Training fluidly weaves between these two interdependent elements of study:
The in-depth exploration of selected verses from the Bhagavad Gita that will give you a chance to uncover their depth through discussion of their meaning, through comparing different interpretations of this ancient scripture; and through the practice of chanting the verses in Sanskrit.
The interactive and experiential exploration of three topics: the Root of Teaching, the Art of Teaching and the Business of Teaching. These will help you to step from the human vision with its story of limitations and old patterns (represented by Arjun), into the vision of Oneness and Freedom (represented by Krishna.
Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training 2016
The Root of Teaching Meditation
Perfecting your personal practice.
Exploring the deepest Purpose of your life and how it translates to being a teacher of Meditation.
Discovering your own personal magic, the uniqueness of what you have to offer as a teacher.
Finding the confidence to discover and express what the manifestation of your uniqueness will look like.
Learning to do only what is necessary. How to avoid getting lost in the mind’s fears and old messages.
Cultivating the art of remaining fully present in the middle of action.
The Art of Teaching Meditation
Knowing the Source of your ability to teach. Cultivating the Trust in its existence and the power to let the Source speak through you.
Building on the strength you have established throughout the Level I Teacher Training, you will deepen your ability to live, teach, speak and listen from the space of the Source.
Perfecting the power of pause.
Creating and holding an atmosphere of trust in which your students feel safe to share their experiences.
Learning how to see beyond appearances, to perceive the Self in everyone you meet. Every human being wants to be seen for who they truly are!
Cultivating the awareness of your natural ability to read people.
Expanding your capacity to truly listen, free from the interference of your own mind.
Mastering the art of answering your students’ questions.
Designing courses that inspire. Building of course structure and learning how to remain fluid in your delivery.
Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training 2016
Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training 2016
The Business of Teaching Meditation
Exploring the deeper meaning of Real Success.
Learning to master this Real Success in life and business through the ancient knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita.
Investigating the difference between the mind’s idea of success, vs. the meaning of success from the perspective of the Self.
Building a business of teaching Meditation rooted in the knowledge of your true purpose and the trust in the power of the Self.
Developing a business plan that is free from fear and from the limitations of linear thinking, but steeped in the knowledge that Krishna is at the back of all manifestation.
Creating marketing material from your inner perspective.
Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training
Successful participation in our Online Meditation Teacher Training Level I is a prerequisite for attending Level II
1,450 USD, includes all Group Classes, Practicticum, Teaching Materials and Final Exam of Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training
Tuition Reduction
200 USD off for early sign-up and payment before July 31 2024,
100 USD off for both partners if you are signing up as a couple,
100 USD additional reduction if you inspire a friend to sign up for Level I Essence of the Himalayas Online Meditation Teacher Training.
Class Environment
Since our meetings are happening in your own home, it is very important that you are undisturbed during our sessions. You will need to create a sacred space for yourself where you can sit comfortably and where you are not interrupted by cell phones, family members or pets.
Means of Connection
All you need to participate in this Online Mediation Teacher Training is a high-speed Internet connection, a personal computer with a camera and a microphone, and a quiet place in your home from where to log on. All other details will be communicated to you personally before classes start.
Conditions for Graduation and Certification
Full participation and completion of all elements of the Level I Essence of the Himalayas Online Meditation Teacher Training
Punctuality and constructive attitude during all elements of the Training
Commitment to your daily Meditation practice
Final Exam
Class Dates 2024/25
November 3
December 1
December 29
​July 27
August 24
September 21
April 27
May 25
June 29
January 26
February 23
March 23
Continuing Education
After completing our Online Meditation Teacher Training you get the possibility to participate in the Advanced Study Group for Meditation Teachers. It will help you strengthen your personal experience and knowledge of Meditation and Yog Philosophy, in addition to providing a safe space for questions and feedback regarding your teaching practice. The 2-hour seminars give you the means to remain inspired and supported in both, your personal Saadhanaa and your Meditation Teaching Practice.