Online Meditations Lehrerausbildung
Level I - in Englisch
Live aus dem Himalaya in Indien mit Sampriya
durch video-conferencing
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual Beings
having a human experience.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Next Meditation Teacher Training starts in the Fall of 2024
Join us on a life-altering journey....
Level I Online Meditation Teacher Training 2024/25
Our Level I Online Meditation Teacher Training is intended for yoga teachers, coaches, nurses, social workers, therapists, health professionals and all seekers of inner peace and fulfillment.
If you recognize the value and the multi-dimensional benefits of Meditation, this Online Meditation Teacher Training will allow you to acquire the expertise to skillfully teach Meditation to groups and individuals. You will learn to inspire others who want to discover its infinite power, while developing and deepening your own practice. You will come to understand what it means to truly
know that “we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience”, and how this knowledge translates to living our lives and to teaching Meditation.
Level I of our Online Meditation Teacher Training is rooted in Patanjali’s Yog Philosophy. We will cultivate an organic understanding of this essential yogic text that is effortless and joyful. The hidden meaning of the scripture will be revealed through experiential exploration, study, chanting and Meditation.
We welcome students and yoga teachers from all traditions. While some experience with Meditation is preferred, we are happy to welcome motivated beginners.
Level I Online Meditation Teacher Training 2024/25
Level I of Essence of the Himalayas' Online Meditation Teacher Training is structured around three inter-dependent elements to insure a well-rounded learning experience:
Group Classes
A new Online Meditation Teacher Training cycle starts on September 29 2024 We meet one Sunday a month, over a year, from 9:00 am to 1.00 pm EST, in a small group of max. 10 participants.
Each member of the group works from home, our means of connection being a group video-call over the Internet. Meeting in cyber-space is a symbol and a metaphor for the invisible interconnected space beyond time and geography that we will learn to call our own in Meditation. You will experience first hand that the apparent geographic distance will become, in fact, a tangible experience of the ability to meet in the Space.
Each month we address a specific topic pertaining to the science of Meditation, yoga philosophy, teaching skills and methodology. Every session includes ample practice time, always followed by a Q&A to deepen each one’s ability to express and articulate the subtle experiences and deep dimensions of Meditation.
For the first months of the Online Meditation Teacher Training, each participant chooses a “buddy” in the group with whom s/he will practice in between our monthly sessions. As your knowledge and skills increase, you will be asked to teach one or more students among friends or family for Practicum classes held in between our monthly sessions. This allows you to test your abilities and develop your questions for the group sessions.
Teaching Supervision
The one-on-one Teaching Supervision is your individual time with Sampriya during your Online Meditation Teacher Training. It offers a forum for your personal inquiry and questions. Its design is to help you identify and strengthen your own unique style and pinpoint hidden patterns that may hold you back. In many people there is a deep-seated unease at the idea of speaking in public that has to do with sanskaars (memories) we carry of being either rejected, ridiculed or punished for standing up for what we know. The one-on-one Teaching Supervision is a chance to address and overcome these issues while taking into account your personal history and individual talents. It is also an opportunity to learn the art of teaching from someone who has many years of experience in communicating with audiences of all ages and cultural backgrounds.
Level I Online Meditation Teacher Training 2024/25
1,450 USD. The price includes:
all Group Classes,
Teaching Supervision,
Teaching Materials and
Final Exam
for our year long Online Meditation Teacher Training.
Your payment reserves your spot.
To benefit from early bird Tuition Reduction of 200 USD, pay 1'250 USD by July 31 2024
Tuition Reduction
200 USD off for early sign-up and payment in full before July 31 2024,
100 USD off for both partners if you are signing up as a couple,
100 USD additional reduction if you inspire a friend to sign up for Level I Essence of the Himalayas Online Meditation Teacher Training.
Please download the application form here, fill it in and email the completed form to, together with the payment of your deposit to participating in our Online Meditation Teacher Training (scroll to bottom of this page) .
Class Environment
Since our meetings are happening in your own home, it is very important that you are undisturbed during our sessions. You will need to create a sacred space for yourself where you can sit comfortably and where you are not interrupted by cell phones, family members or pets.
Means of Connection
All you need to participate in this training is a high-speed Internet connection, a personal computer with a camera and a microphone, and a quiet place in your home from where to log on. All other details will be communicated to you personally before the start of our Online Meditation Teacher Training.
Conditions for Graduation and Certification
Full participation and completion of all elements of the Level I Essence of the Himalayas Online Meditation Teacher Training
Punctuality and constructive attitude during all elements of the Training
Commitment to your daily Meditation practice
Final Exam
Class Dates 2024/25
September 29
October 27
November 24
December 22
January 19
February 16
March 16
April 13
May 18
June 22
July 20
August 17
All classes of our Online Meditation Teacher Training are recorded. In case you need to miss a session, you will always be able to catch up with the rest of the group by watching the recording.
Continuing Education
After completing Level I of our Online Meditation Teacher Training you have the possibility to continue to strengthen your expertise in teaching Meditation and deepen the study of Yog Philosophy with our Level II Online Meditation Teacher Training. Check out the details of the Program where we will explore new depths of perception and higher knowledge through the study of the Bhagavad Gita.
You also get the possibility to participate in the Advanced Study Group for Meditation Teachers. It will help you strengthen your personal experience and knowledge of Meditation and Yog Philosophy, in addition to providing a safe space for questions and feedback regarding your teaching practice. The 2-hour seminars give you the means to remain inspired and supported in both, your personal Saadhanaa and your Meditation Teaching Practice.
If you have questions of any kind regarding our Meditation Teacher Training, Sampriya is always happy to get on a quick Zoom chat to answer them. Simply send her an e-mail to set up a time.